Thursday 13 April 2017

An exciting journey from skepticism to belief

The hard-driving legal editor at the Chicago Tribune Lee Strobel was a confident atheist who was determined to disprove his wife's newfound Christian faith. To do that he applied his well-honed investigative and legal skills to try to disprove the Resurrection of Jesus and thereby recover his wife. However, compelled by the hard evidence he finds and the reality of Christ in lives around him, he became a believer in Jesus Christ.

A rigorous detective-like investigation is what we can find know in a movie which stars Mike Vogel as Lee Strobel and Erika Christensen as his wife Leslie.

Seeing a portrait of himself Lee Strobel confesses he must have been not the nicest narcissistic, heavy-drinking, self-destructive, self-absorbed atheist. and says
"But that's in the film, and that's okay if it helps people. I hope that there'll be some skeptics out there who will start their own spiritual journey after seeing the movie."
which gives the dramatic story behind the story of a man with personal animosity for Christianity who used journalistic and legal techniques to evaluate its claims.
"The Case for Christ takes audiences on an exciting journey from skepticism to belief.”
The movie is based on Strobel's best-selling 1998 book The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus which has sold over 14 million copies worldwide. The book focuses on 13 scholarly authorities that Strobel interviewed about the historical evidence for the Resurrection.
Mike Vogel plays journalist Lee Strobel in the Chicago Tribune newsroom

Thursday 6 April 2017

Kosher Coca Cola for Passover

Français : Une cannette de Coca-Cola italienne...
Français : Une cannette de Coca-Cola italienne d'une contenance de 50cl. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Did you know there existed a Kosher Coca Cola?

The amount of Jews living in our country may be slowly diminishing. They seem to feel much pressure from right wing people and organisations which target immigrants, Muslims and Jews. Throughout the year and when they go on holiday their food requirements must make it not easy to find kosher restaurants and hotels.

Among observant Jews, it is common practice to avoid most processed food that is not explicitly labelled kosher for Passover. This is true even for products like cheese or juice that do not contain any hametz (Hebrew, bread or any food that has been leavened or contains a leavening agent. Hametz is prohibited on Passover), but may have been processed in a plant alongside products containing hametz.

Some products that are kosher year-round are modified slightly to be kosher for Passover — most famously Coca-Cola, which substitutes cane sugar for corn syrup in some regions over the holiday and is marked by a distinctive yellow cap.

A guide to kosher for Passover foods is published each year by the Orthodox Union, which also maintains a searchable database of Passover foods on its website. The OU also has information on food products that can be used without explicit Passover certification.


Tuesday 4 April 2017

The language of Jesus and the title of God

English: psalms in Aramaic
English: psalms in Aramaic (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The last few days I had some heavy discussions with Americans who found that Allah is a demon and could not believe that Jesus would ever have used that word. Though Allah is not only used by Arabs. This word is also used in many more languages to denote the singular God. Remarkable, to notice, is that the word has no plural from, like English, where you have God, god and gods.

Jesus is not the real name of the Messiah, like lots of English speaking believe and do not want to accept the Biblical characters had not the English names they are used to.

Lots of people either do not know or do not want to know, that by the beginning of the Common Era, Aramaic had replaced Hebrew as the spoken language of Palestinian Jews. The Essene Jew born in Bethlehem also was a Palestinian who spoke, like his worldly parents Aramaic.

We should remember that the causes of Hebrew’s decline could be hastened by the Babylonian exile in 587 B.C.E. and the continued foreign rule of Palestine during the Second Temple period. Though we must see and hear that there are many similarities between the two, both being a Semitic language.

Lots of people also do forget that for a long time it has been the second most important Jewish language — though it was spoken by non-Jews as well. The Talmud is written in Aramaic, as is the Zohar, the great medieval mystical text. One of the best-known Jewish prayers, the Kaddish, also is written in Aramaic. During the talmudic era, Hebrew illiteracy was so high that the Torah reading was recited along with a verse-by-verse translation into Aramaic.
We even find a conjugation of the word "Allah" when rabbi Jeshua cries unto his heavenly Father asking Him why He has abandoned him.

To the dismay of many English-speaking and Muslim haters, the world must realize that Allah is a title used by several people and even by Jesus to describe the only true God.


Find also

A 1st reply to the 4th Question Who is God 1 A Creating Being to be worshipped

More on Aramaic and other languages spoken by Jews, like the in Belgium often heard Yiddish:


After display of unity back to disunity

European countries according to the EU
European countries according to the EU (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Back to reality After a display of unity in Rome, it was back to disunity in Brussels as EU countries split - again - over how to deal with refugees in the block. Interior ministers discussed how to boost “returns” (deportation, to you or I) and had the now traditional row about relocating refugees across the EU.  “We had an honest and frank discussion,” said Dimitris Avramopoulos, the commissioner responsible for migration.
